REACH Ecosystem Planning Calculator
REACH Ecosystem Professional Development Calculator
People & Culture Business Case Calculator | Including Opportunity Cost of Not using the REACH Ecosystem
Product Expenditure Cost per use Description Annual Quantity Current Annual Cost
Behavioural Profiles - Development per use
Behavioural Profiles - Recruitment per use
360 Degree Surveys per use
Culture Surveys per use
Corporate Training Materials Licences / Instructional Design from scratch Licence Fees or Instructional Design Costs
Time Expenditure Cost per hour Description Hours Spent Current Annual Cost
Time Spent on Training Needs Analysis: Time spent deciphering reports, grouping needs and matching to training & coaching solutions. Per hour
Time Saved with Simplified Budgeting & Planning: Time saving and opportunity of being able to have a fixed cost ecosystem that meets needs for recruitment, sales, collaboration, mindset, leadership, culture, and 360's. Hours spent researching, evaluating suppliers, budgeting, paying invoices, maintaining supplier relationships
Opportunity Cost Cost per Initiative Description Annual Quantity Current Annual Cost
Opportunity Cost of non-optimised Training delivery: Cost training delivered by internal or external trainers without benefiting from the Trainers Companion. Training Delivery Costs
Opportunity Cost of stalled Coaching: Time and money spent on coaching relationships that lost momentum without the unique Coaches Companion Investment in Coaching
Opportunity cost of Initiatives not Embedded: Money spent on profiling, coaching, culture, 360's and Training without resources to keep it alive. Investment in Initiatives that didn't stick
Opportunity cost of forgoing Simplicity: Cost of complexity and inconsistency of models and frameworks that ended up undermining retention, application and momentum. Investment in solutions that were to complex to stay alive
Opportunity Potential of Demonstrating Impact
Opportunity of OD/L&D Reporting that makes it easy to Demonstrate Impact: What would it be worth to you to able to simply and quickly measure growth (visual and numerical) from investment in personal development, leadership development and cultural development
Total Current Expenditure and Opportunity Cost
Per annual

0 Per month
Per month

0 Savings and Benefits per year

0 Savings and Benefits per month